
iTunes Uninstaller and Uninstall iTunes From Windows XP

To uninstall iTunes from Windows XP, you need to take several important steps to make sure that you are able to completely remove this program from your computer. We've found that this a member of the group of software which will place a large number of files & settings onto your computer, which it will then leave when you try and uninstall it. This means that if you want to uninstall iTunes from Windows XP, you have to be able to first uninstall the application in the most effective way, and then remove its remnant files after that.

How To Uninstall iTunes

Because iTunes actually installs a large number of other programs onto your PC, as well as actually inserting a large number of "Driver" settings onto your system as well, it's continually making it difficult for PC users to uninstall it. The way to get rid of it is to first use the in-built Windows features which have been designed to get rid of it, as well as then remove all the remaining parts of the program that may be left. The way to do this is to first load up a program called "Add / Remove Programs" in Windows. This can be done by using the steps here:

Click "Start"
Locate "Control Panel"
Click "Add / Remove Programs"
Locate "iTunes"
Click "Remove"
This will get rid of iTunes by using the uninstaller program that Windows comes built in with. After that, you should then look to get rid of any of the further parts of the software, which can be done by downloading a program called "Final Uninstaller" and then letting it remove any of the files / settings that iTunes will have left behind. Here's how to do this:

Download Final Uninstaller from the Internet
Install it on your computer
Load up the program & let it scan for any "remnants" of software
When it locates the remnants of the iTunes program, let it remove them
Using the Final Uninstaller application basically allows your computer to completely get rid of any of the parts of the software that may be remaining on your system. This works well because it's able to stop the application from continually loading itself back up, or causing some sort of problem for your PC.

You can uninstall iTunes from your computer by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can Click Here to uninstall iTunes from your system.

