
Why is My Laptop So Slow? Reasons For a Low Performing System and Tips to Make it Faster

Do you understand what it takes to have a slowly system speed up? Do you find your laptop or PC easy to pose error messages and wonder whether there is any damage to the hardware?

As a matter of fact, hardware break down hardly occur to many users like you and me. Most system slowness and malfunction are caused by software reasons, and they can be corrected from its root once you apply the simple guidelines as below.

1. Defragment of hard disk. Always keep files in order and undivided by defragging your hard drive. Too many file fragments help nothing with system speed up, for they increase the time for Windows to collect pieces of programs and run them.

2. Seal all the ways for malware to stay in your system. Your system is extremely vulnerable to virus, adware or spyware if no security software provided. If a Windows is constantly attacked by worms, trojans and any other kinds of virus, you cannot expect to avoid damage to your PC, not to mention letting your system speed up.

3. Keep down the number of start up programs. Star-up programs can drag your pc or laptop into a situation of slowness, for their services occupy your memory from the beginning when you turn your computer on.

4. Delete temporary files. The more empty space of hard disk, the shorter time for system to search and execute programs. Deleting files in the folder of temproray files can easily have a system speed up.

5. Clean up registry. System speed up requires a slim and clean registry that is not corrupted by junk keys, broken entries and errors created by your operation. Running Registry Easy can help you effectively avoid a bulky registry.

If your computer is running slow and you like to have a system speed up, a professional and easy-to-conduct answer can be accessed from here.

