What Causes The S32evnt1.dll Error On Your PC?
If you are encountering errors with the s32evnt1.dll file, you will typically read this error message during the boot sequence:
\ S32evnt1.dll. An installable Virtual Device Driver failed DLL initialization
The error message describes that the s32evnt1.dll cannot be loaded by Windows. There are several reasons why this could be happening. It could be that the virtual devices are hiding the file instead of finding it, or the Symevent files are currently outdated and need to be updated. Fixing this error is quite easy and can be effectively done by following the simple steps below.
How To Fix The S32Evnt1.dll Error On Your Computer
The way to fix the s32evnt1.dll errors involves updating the Symevent files and repairing registry errors that may be causing the conflicts in your virtual devices. Updating the Symevent files is dependent on your Windows version. For XP 32 bit versions, you need to download the "sevinst.exe" file using the link from Symantec's site and remember where you save it in your hard drive.
From your Windows Desktop, do the following:
Click "Start>Run" and then type "cmd" in the box.
Press "Enter" to display the command prompt.
Make use of the "cd" command to change into the directory where you saved the downloaded file. For example, if you saved the file in "C:\Downloads" then you should type "cd C:\Downloads" and press "Enter." The next step is dependent on the version of your Symantec Antivirus. If you have antivirus 9.x or later version, type "sevinst.exe SAVCE" in the command prompt and then press "Enter".
However, if you have the 8.x or earlier version, use the "sevinst.ext NAVNT" command instead.
Afterwards, you can reboot your PC. If you have a Windows system with x64 system, download the Sevinst64×86.exe file using the link found in Symantec. Go to your command prompt. Here, once again the commands that you will use will depend on which Symantec version you are using.
After opening the command prompt window and changing into the directory where you downloaded the file, type "sevinst64x86.exe SAVCE" in the command prompt if you have antivirus 9.x version or later. Type "sevinst64x86.exe NAVNT" in the command prompt if you have antivirus 8.x or earlier. To finish the update process, reboot your computer.
After restarting your computer, youneed to resolve registry issues by using an effective registry cleaner. Many s32evnt1.dll errors are caused by faulty registry entries making your computer unable to open the file. As long as you have registry errors, you will keep on receiving the annoying error messages in your screen. To clean your registry in the best way possible, we recommend that you use "Frontline Registry Cleaner" which can quickly repair 99% of all system faults, allowing you to use your computer smoothly and without error messages popping out.
You can fix s32evnt1.dll errors on your computer by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can Click Here to fix the s32evnt1.dll errors on your PC.