
Google Chrome crashing problems - How to fix it?

Google Chrome is undoubtedly one of the fastest browsers around. Sometimes though, after a time you wonder, "Why is Chrome slow?" A slow Chrome browser can be easily be tweaked to run a bit more efficiently and swiftly. You can quickly speed up Chrome with a few simple instructions.

Disable usage statistics. Like many Internet-connected applications, Chrome sends anonymous data to Google that contains information about how you use your browser, what sites you visit most often and so on. This is used by Google to help improve their browser and fix any issues users encounter. You can turn this off to make Chrome run faster and if you're a bit paranoid, it also stops Chrome from sending information on your browsing habits. For Windows users, click Tools, which is the wrench icon at the upper right of your browser window.  Then, click Options then Advanced and uncheck the option related to usage statistics. For Mac users, click Tools then Preferences and uncheck the option related to usage statistics. This should help speed up Chrome quite a bit

Upgrade to the latest build. Google is known to constantly update their software products and the newer releases of Google Chrome often incorporate speed upgrades in addition to security fixes. To update your Google Chrome installation for Windows, click the wrench icon once again and select About Google Chrome. Click the Update button to start the download and restart the browser once the process is complete. For Mac users, go to the menu bar and click Chrome > About Google Chrome. Click the Update button to start the download and restart the browser once the process is complete.

Fix your registry. The system registry of your computer affects all the programs running in it, including Google Chrome. If it has any missing, corrupt or incorrect registry entries, your Chrome browser might slow down and even crash intermittently. Use a registry cleaner to fix this issue without the worry of tinkering with your registry directly, something that only expert computer technicians should attempt. Make it scan your computer regularly to prevent future problems with the registry. This is the most effective way to speed up Chrome

Now you have a solution and don't need to wonder anymore why is Chrome slow. Fixing your registry will not only fix slow Chrome performance but will also potentially make Chrome faster. Make it a habit to scan your registry regular for peak performance.

Tired of wondering why Chrome is slow? Want to turbocharge your browser speed? Get an easy fix and scan your computer for free with the best registry clean up software on the internet today.

