
What is the Runtime 1004 error?

The Runtime 1004 error is an issue that shows on Windows computers when you try and copy & paste filtered data into an Microsoft Office Excel workbook. The specific cause of the error is all due to the way in which Microsoft Visual Basic cannot compute certain commands / forms of data when transferring data, which means that you either need to change the data you're transferring or the method at which you're transferring the data on your system.

This error will generally show in this format:

"Runtime error 1004: Copy method of Range Class Failed."
"Runtime error 1004: Paste method of worksheet class failed."
The reason this error shows is because the Visual Basic application (which is used heavily on the Office suite of programs), is actually trying to copy an entire row into an Excel workbook, or is trying to transfer more than 2516 rows of data to excel.

In order to fix this error, the first thing you need to do is to make sure that any Visual Basic "macro" you are using is transferring specific row data into the workbook. Instead of trying to copy an entire row (which will have a lot of "zero data" inside), you need to be able to use a command that's just going to transfer the individual pieces of data around your system.

After doing that, it's then recommended that you use a 'registry cleaner' program to fix any of the damaged or corrupted settings that will be inside your PC, and could be causing the error to show. Registry cleaners are popular tools which are designed to fix many instances of runtime errors. It's highly recommended you use on of these tools to fix the various problems which will often cause the 1004 error, and any other error on your system, to show.

You can fix Runtime 1004 by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can Click Here to fix the Runtime 1004 Error on your PC.

