One key issue that always arises is whether or not Trojan viruses are the problem to start with. If your computer performance has declined, you are experiencing computer crashes and freezes, or if your PC has been acting in a strange way, you may have a virus on your system. Some of the follow symptoms are associated with Trojan viruses and could require the help of a Trojan removal program to eliminate:
Websites you did not request are appearing
You are getting strange error messages and pop-up ads
Your web browser is very slow
Windows loads slowly
Strange software appears when you start up your PC
Your modem light is spastically blinking even when you are not online
The mouse is leaving a trail on your screen
Your favorites list has added some sites that you never placed there
Brand new toolbars are appearing in your web browser
Your homepage is hijacked and you end up on sites not requested
Your function buttons are reversed on your mouse
If you even have a hint of any of these symptoms, you will want to look into a quality spyware program immediately. Truth be told, computer hassles are one annoyance but identity theft can be a long term devastation that will cost you in both dollars and time.
What should I look for in a top Trojan removal program?
The following qualities exist in quality Trojan software:
Quality One: A Large Definitions Database
This database contains knowledge of viruses and other threats currently in existence. It is a solutions database. The virus detected is found due to it being identified against an item in the definitions database and then can be eliminated. You will want to seek a definitions database of at least 250,000 items.
Quality Two: Easy User Interface
If you can't understand it, what good is it?
Look for a software program that has all major functions on one key page. Also make sure that each button of the navigation system explains the function behind it. You want the entire process to be simple as possible and the best Trojan remover programs should make it easy for you.
Quality Three: More than Trojan Removal
The best software programs will rid of adware, malware, spyware, keyloggers, trackers, worms and tons of other threats. It is vital to get software that can accomplish this because Trojans like to hide out in other forms of spyware and malware and can be difficult to find yet extract.
Quality Four: Free Scan Tool
All good Trojan removal programs should offer a free scan so that you can detect threats before purchasing the full version software that removes such threats. The tool will actually show file names being scanned and will check all drives. By having this feature, you can be at no risk for purchase until you identify that there is a problem.
Quality Five: Unlimited Use Option
If you purchase a software download, you should have a license that allows at least one full year of unlimited use. Also make sure to take up on any discount offered for multiple computers if you have additional ones to protect in the house.
Keep in mind that even if you do not find a bunch of threats now, it is good to have protection on your PC year round. If you are serious about protection, you can add a general virus scan and a registry repair tool to complete your protection suite.
The entire process of Trojan removal should take less than 10 minutes. After scanning and repairing, be sure to restart your PC for the changes to take effect. The top Trojan removal program software should eliminate errors after one to two cycles.