
How Do I Remove the BackDoor.Abacab.102 virus?

I received a notification today saying that AVG had detected a threat on my computer. I ran a scan and the threat was detected as “BackDoor.Abacab.102”. I believe the scan did not automatically remove the virus because this virus keeps coming back again and again. Is there any other way I can remove the virus completely? I’m extremely concerned as I know this type of virus is very dangerous. I would appreciate some advice!

Learn More About BackDoor.Abacab.102 Virus:

BackDoor.Abacab.102 is a highly dangerous Trojan that is capable of downloading malicious files from a remote server, and then installing and executing the files. It is a generic detection used by AVG. This threat comes from Downloader Generic family as similar as Trojan horse Downloader.Generic13.BVUR virus found a few days ago. Both of these Trojan viruses can install itself to the system and wait until an Internet connection becomes available to connect to a remote server or website in order to download additional programs (usually malware) onto the infected computer.

Usually this Trojan is distributed through several means. It may come from malicious website or any legitimate websites that have be hacked. Also it can be distributed as a file attachment to spam e-mails. The attached programs are typically labelled using legitimate-sounding program or document names, in order to cheat inexperienced users to download and activate this Trojan. Once it is downloaded, you may not be able to perform any single task on your computer. Whenever you go online, you will receive constant pop-up ads on the screen asking you to submit a survey by filling in your personal information, or telling you that you are missing a plug-in to play the video which may turn out to be spyware or malware once downloaded. It keeps annoying PC users and stops them from working properly on their computer. This Trojan takes huge amount of space of the system memory therefore it considerably slows down the system performance. And the most dangerous thing is it has the ability to make their computers vulnerable to remote attacks which could result in money loss and even identity theft. Therefore, if you want to protect your computer and don’t need BackDoor.Abacab.102 virus bother you again, you should immediately remove it.

Infected Symptoms Are Listed Below:

It can bypass the legit security tools and destroy your computer secretly.
It prevents you from opening some application because the files are corrupted.
It can make your browser redirected to all kinds of malicious websites.
It is able to allow remote hacker access the compromised system for illicit purpose.

How Do This Virus Get On Your Computer?

From malicious drive-by-download scripts from corrupted porn and shareware / freeware websites.
Through spam email attachments, media downloads and social networks.
When clicking suspicious pop-ups or malicious links.
Open unknown email or download media files that contain the activation code of the virus.

Note: No matter how does the virus access your PC, users should know that there are no tools can remove this pesky Trojan automatically at this moment, it is suggested users not spend much time in downloading or paying any security software which claims can delete this stubborn virus. It is totally useless. To completely get rid of BackDoor.Abacab.102, professional manual guide is needed.

BackDoor.Abacab.102 is a tricky Trojan that looks for system flaw in order to get into your PC. Even though AVG can be able to detect this Trojan, it cannot remove it for good because the virus keeps recurring after every time AVG says ‘Removed’. With this Trojan inside the computer, you may get pop-up ads as soon as you go online. It misleads you to download software update, or deceives you to visit certain link. In addition, it will install more malware such as Trojan, worms, and viruses in your computer. Now a Trojan can collect user’s online account, password information or even system information and finally send them to a predefined remote IP address. It is indeed a very dangerous malware that should be deleted permanently.

