
What is internal application error - How to fix it?

Having a problem with your Windows Media Player? When double clicking to run Windows Media Player, some users will find it does not run and display an error message saying that “An internal Application error has occurred”. In many situations, this issue may occur if you have recently upgraded the computer from a version of Windows that included an earlier version of Windows Media Player. If the Windows Media Player does not work compatibly, an internal application error message will appear.

To totally get rid of the internal application error message, you have to uninstall the older version of Windows Media Player from your computer and reinstall a newer one. To do this, simply follow these steps:

*Click Start, click Control Panel, and double click Add or Remove Programs.
*Locate and click the earlier version of Windows Media Player, and then click Remove.
* Then, go to Microsoft official website to download the latest version of Windows Media Player and the install it on the computer.

However, if you still get the error message after a reinstallation, reregister the Jscript.dll component. It is a file that helps you to successfully play some video files correctly. To do this, follow these steps:

* Click Start, Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
* Within the command prompt, type regsvr32 /u jscript.dll, press ENTER, and then click OK.
*At the command prompt, type regsvr32 jscript.dll, press ENTER, and then click OK.
* Restart the computer, and run your Windows Media Player again to see whether the internal application error message has been gone or not.

Secondly, to fix Windows Media Player internal application error, you still have to bear in mind that system configuration and hardware needs to be checked. If you have newly installed the computer memory, it is advisable that you can check and make sure that the newly installed memory modules are compatible to your computer’s system board and have been installed to the right slots. Also, take several minutes to check and confirm that the components of your system match with your documentation.

After the above steps, you’d better check and repair registry errors. Even though registry acts as the main component of Windows-based operating system, a simple error in registry will the computer to perform badly as compared to the one you just bought it. Such errors can result in various issues like slow computer/ Internet speed, frequent system crashes, pop-ups, and more. If the system cannot locate the registry entries to load your Windows Media Player properly, you will sooner or later get an internal application error message. Hence, it is highly advised that you can completely scan the whole PC and get rid of all errors within the registry database. Once the system has no problem in reading the required entries, it will run correctly all the time.

Still looking for a way to deal with the internal application error for Windows Media Player? It is highly advised that you can first verify that the version on your PC is working compatibly with the system, and then make sure all other PC errors have been solved. Thus, you will be able to launch your Windows Media Player correctly without an internal application error message.

