The FBI Paypal Virus Scam is a highly common infection which will basically send your Google web searches to fake websites, in order to get you to buy some fake products as well as to get you to click on some adverts. Despite being one of the most common viruses on the entire Internet, the FBI Paypal Virus Scam is a fake which should not be trusted at all, and can be removed by using the steps outlined on this page.
This virus is what's commonly known as a "Browser Hijack Object", or a "Trojan Horse" (there are two variants). It works slightly differently than most viruses, making it very difficult to remove using 'conventional' methods... in that it will basically install itself onto your computer and then just change a file / setting that your system will use to handle web links online. Most viruses work by installing a small piece of software, or file which will cause some sort of problem for your PC. These typical virus infections are traceable by the likes of anti-virus programs because of the way they will keep an infected file present on your system. Unfortunately, the FBI Paypal Virus Scam will not have any traceable parts - making it very difficult to remove.
The Google FBI Paypal Virus Scam can only be properly removed if you are able to repair the files which are harbouring it. This was only recently discovered - but this virus will basically install itself, change some of the Windows files that process web link locations, and then disappear again - leaving nothing but the changed files behind. This prevents anti-virus programs from removing it, and will also stop the likes of anti-malware programs from locating it as well. The way to fix the infection is to use a tool that's able to first identify the problems that it will be causing, as well using a method that's going to protect your PC in future.
After working for some time on this problem, I've found that two programs are highly effective at getting rid of the virus - one called "Hitman Pro", and another called "ComboFix". Hitman is a free-to-try program which basically stops Trojan Horse infections... whilst ComboFix is a free tool that will fix any damaged Windows files that your PC may have. You can use these tools by downloading them from the Internet and then letting them scan & fix your system.
We've found the most effective way to fix this infection is to use a piece of software called "FixRedirectVirus". This is a newly released tool which has been specifically designed to fix the FBI Paypal Virus Scam on your PC, and works by showing you exactly what to do to stop the infection from running. This tool is recommended if you find that you cannot otherwise remove the virus from your system.
You can remove FBI Paypal Virus Scam from your computer by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can Click Here to remove the FBI Paypal Virus Scam from your PC for good.