System Tool 2013 is more of the same rogue antivirus programs making their way around the internet, infecting thousands of internet users every day. This particular virus is from the same family as Security Tool, one of the worst viruses of recent memory. Like it's older brother, this rogue program performs a fake system scan and clutters your PC with critical system alerts and other security warnings. The goal of the warnings is to scare you into paying for a "full version" of the software which doesn't exist. Don't give these hackers your credit card, as it could end in monetary theft or identity theft! For these reasons and more, we must remove System Tool 2013 as soon as possible.
If we don't get rid of System Tool 2013 quickly, it will dig itself into our registry and other system folders, and the result will be endless pop-ups, program errors, and slow PC performance. Error warnings will be non-stop, and your productivity will drop to near zero. The results of the fake scan will show you that your PC is loaded with spyware, viruses, rootkits, and Trojans, when in fact, the scanner itself is the virus in question. We need to delete this virus and we can do so in a couple of ways.
The way to uninstall System Tool 2013 is either via manual removal or automatic removal. Manual removal is only recommended to those of you who are PC experts or who have experiencing editing your system registry. If you don't, you should leave the work to the professionals, because a single mistake on your behalf can result in hundreds of dollars in technician fees and a computer that no longer boots up. Having said that, if you're a pro, then you will cancel the related processes, deleted the related registry keys in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER folder, and delete related files in your Application Data folder. You can find a rundown of the files involved at my website.
Automatic removal is the more easy, safer option. I can't risk making one small error and having a PC no longer boot-up. It's worth it for me and for my clients to use software that will clean out the virus in a few clicks, and most importantly will protect the PC against the next wave of new viruses. These hackers make a new virus every day, so we need this kind of protection while we surf the net and download files.
Are you tired of spyware and viruses threatening the safety of you and your family? Remove System Tool 2013 in 3 minutes, the easy way!