The errors this file causes often show up in this format:
ddrawex.dll not found
ddrawex.dll is missing
The reason why this error is caused is all down to the way in which your computer uses the file. Each time your computer is being used for "heavy graphic", the ddrawex.dll file is being opened and read to help control various advanced features that this process uses. Unfortunately, it's often the case that the file will either be damaged, deleted or misplaced on your PC either by Windows or by the installation of another program. In order to repair the errors caused by this file, it's recommended that you reinstall the software causing the error and then fix any problems that may be on top of that.
The first step to fixing ddrawex.dll errors is to first reinstall the game / software showing the error. It's often the case that the software program that uses this file will either place an incorrect file onto your PC, or will damage the file that you have on your system. In order to fix this, you should click on Start > Control Panel > Add / Remove Programs and remove the game / software that's on there.
The second step to resolving ddrawex.dll errors is to use what's known as a "registry cleaner" to repair any potential problems that your PC may have inside the registry. The registry is basically a central database which stores all the files, settings and options for the Windows system, and is where a large list of DLL files are kept for your PC. This list is continually being used to help software programs to load up the various files they require... but is also being damaged & corrupted. If this list becomes too damaged, then your PC thinks that ddrawex.dll is missing, and will show you the errors you're seeing. If you want to fix this, you should look to use a registry cleaner to repair any damaged list settings inside the registry.
You can fix ddrawex.dll errors by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can Click Here to fix the ddrawex.dll File On Your PC