The FP30NSCP.DLL is categorize as a "malware" (malicious software) infection and wokrs by displaying dozens of fake advertisements on your screen every time you browse through the Internet using the infected browser. This file is typically found in the C:\Windows\System32drive, but it is not a legitimate Windows file. Once you start up Windows, the file begins to run its processes and when you use your browser, you will receive multiple annoying pop-ups. The makers of this file have not yet been identified and so this file is potentially dangerous because it can monitor or change your browsing activities. You should uninstall the file as quickly as you can to prevent your personal information being compromised.
How To Remove FP30NSCP.DLL From Your PC
The way to remove FP30NSCP.DLL from your PC requires you to stop the many processes of the virus and then cleaning out all remnants of the infection. In stopping the virus from running in your system, access your Task Manager by pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL at the same time. Select the Processes tab, locate and select any of the applications below and click the "end process" button to stop them:
You can then delete the FP30NSCP.DLL from its directory by going to the C:\Windows\System32folder, select the file and press SHIFT + DELETE to make sure the file has been completely deleted from your system, even from Recycle Bin.
If you are not confident to carry out the above measures, you can use a software tool to do it for you. There is a very handy a program called "MalwareBytes" that will locate and delete viruses of this type, quickly and easily. Once you have done this, you will need to fix up a part of your computer known as the registry. This registry is the central database of your PC, and it's the location for all the settings of every file stored on your hard drive. Remnants of the FP30NSCP.DLL file could be left over in here, and so you will need to clean the registry to make sure you are protected from future attacks. Use a registry cleaner to get rid of the infection as well.
You can fix FP30NSCP.DLL errors on your computer by using the tutorial and tools on our website. You can Click Here to fix the FP30NSCP.DLL infection on your PC for good.