Now, what would you think if you went to a web site that you had been to several times before in the past, only this time when you visited you got a pop up message telling you that your computer was infected with a virus and that you need to perform a free scan of your computer for other issues.
The scan it performs does look rather believable. Once the scan is completed you are going to be given a breakdown of some rather nasty looking viruses and other issues your computer secretly has. From this point TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I will inform you that if you download and install the software these issues will be taken care of.
This is where things start going downhill for your PC and. Your computer will reboot after TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I installs. Once your PC is back up but before your desktop comes up you will be shown a screen that will want to perform a full system scan on your computer. You will be unable to do anything until it finishes a scan of your computer.
Even if you do get to your computer you will start getting numerous messages telling you that there are currently different active infections on your computer and that the only way you can take care of the situation is to purchase a copy of the software. Problem is, that even if you do purchase, you're still going to continue having the same problems as you do now and you need to get rid of TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I quickly.
Here is how to remove this malware if it is on your PC.
#1: The first thing you need to do is to stop the processes used by this malware. To do this start task manager by pressing CTRL-SHIFT-DEL then go to processes. Once there find and stop the following processes.
- gog.exe
- defender.exe
- hotfix.exe
If task manger refuses to open, is reported as infected or you are unable to stop these processes go to the next step.
#2: If task manager will not open it is because this malware is blocking it. You now need to restart your PC in safe mode. To do this restart it and press the F8 key until you see a start menu. Once you see this select safe mode with networking.
#3: Once you have task manger open and have stopped the processes mentioned above you need to delete any files related to this malware.
Search for and delete the following:
- gog.exe
- defender.exe
- hotfix.exe
Find the folder called TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I and delete all its contents.
#4: When you have deleted all the files used by this malware you need to remove the registry entries it uses. To do this start the windows registry editor. Go to the windows start menu, then run and type in regedit and press ok. Once the registry editor starts search for and delete the following files:
- gog.exe
- defender.exe
- hotfix.exe
- TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I.
Once you have done this restart your computer and you should be rid of this malware. If you still find you have it on your computer go to the next step.
#5: Restart your computer again in safe mode. Once in safe mode open your browser and download a system and registry scanner. A simple registry scanner by itself will not find malware. Once you have done this run a full system scan. This will find hidden malware quickly. You can use either method to get rid of TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I from your PC or laptop and make it safer and faster again.
here is the answer to get rid of TrojanDropper:Win64/Rotbrow.I this will make your PC safer and faster, just click here now.