Trojan:Win32/Crilock.A is a fake antivirus program that's been designed to try and scam you into buying fake antivirus protection. This program is part of a family of similar viruses, which install themselves onto your computer and then pretend to try and find a series of viruses on your PC. They rely on both conning you into purchasing the "upgrade" of the software, as well as permanently scanning your Internet activity for any banking / personal details that it can steal from your system. Fortunately, you can remove this virus quite easily if you know how...
Many people try and manually remove the Trojan:Win32/Crilock.A software, mainly because they think it's just one simple application. This couldn't be further from the truth - the really big problem with this infection is the way in which it installs a series of lesser infections, which add a bigger "sting" to the virus. Apart from having the annoying application which you can see on screen, the infection also includes a large number of infectious files & codes, which are constantly trying to scan your PC for any personal data they can steal.
Because this virus has many hidden parts (like the roots of a weed), you need to be sure you can remove it in its entirety - otherwise it will keep on coming back & infecting your system with more infections. This virus is specifically known as a "malware" infection - which stands for "Malicious Ware". This means that, unlike typical viruses, it has a lot of infectious elements which all need to be eliminated in order to restore your PC back to the way it was before. The application will install itself in these folders on your PC, meaning that if you wanted to try a manual removal - you could delete these:
C:Program FilesAntivirusPro_2010
C:Program FilesTrojan:Win32/Crilock.AAntivirusPro_2010.exe
C:Documents and Settings[username]Application Datalizkavd.exe
C:Documents and Settings[username]Application Dataseres.exe
C:Documents and Settings[username]Application Datasvcst.exe
%UserProfile%Start MenuSecure Antivirus Pro.lnk
The best and most effective way to remove this infection is to use an "anti-malware" program to scan through your PC and remove the various elements of the virus. Anti-Malware tools are specifically designed to remove infections like Trojan:Win32/Crilock.A, and if you can use one designed by a legitimate software design firm - you should be able to rid this virus from your PC for good. You should look to use a tool such as XoftSpySE (our recommended) to scan through your PC and remove the virus from it.
To use this tool, you should download it and then allow it to scan through your system. It will return all the infections you have (it's got one of the best detection facilities inside, which is why we recommend it), and then let it remove the problems it finds... which should restore your system back to its former glory.
You can remove Trojan:Win32/Crilock.A from your system by using the tutorial & tools on our website. You can Click Here to remove Trojan:Win32/Crilock.A from your PC for good.